Canfield middle school

Welcome to the home of the Canfield Cougars.  We are so excited to get the 2016-2017 school year started.  Below are a few statements that outline what Canfield Middle School is all about. Mission Statement: “We invest in each student to prepare, challenge, and advance well educated, resilient and future ready citizens."    Philosophy: Canfield believes that students are the center of the educational setting.  Our mission is to provide students with the skills necessary to be successful in high school, which will lead them to be successful in any post-secondary endeavor they may choose.   Academic Goal: We want staff and students to give it their best effort every day.  Our staff uses proven instructional strategies to deliver state standards.  Students are held to high expectations and are given every opportunity to earn high test scores and academic grades.   Parent/Community Involvement:  Canfield is fortunate to have a very active Parent Volunteer Organization.  This group of dedicated parents graciously volunteers their time to take on many tasks, such as organizing school activities and raising money for classroom grants.  All Canfield parents are welcome to attend. Canfield Middle School is special because… we have a staff dedicated to high student achievement (we also have a beautifully remodeled building).  Our staff believes in a well-rounded education which includes math, reading, language arts, science, social studies, music, art, foreign language, physical fitness, and technology.  Our staff is supported by our students and parents which produces a positive and safe learning environment. Cougar Pride= Attitude + Effort